Our digital assets are not safe! India has been the victim of numerous cyber attacks at the national, state, corporate and individual-citizen levels, and the real and present danger has been acutely recognised by the central government. The Honourable Prime Minister, Shree Manmohan Singh, in a recent address to the Chiefs of Police, said:

“Our country’s vulnerability to cyber crime is escalating as our economy and critical infrastructure become increasingly reliant on interdependent computer networks and the Internet,”

“Large-scale computer attacks on our critical infrastructure and economy can have potentially devastating results.”

“The use of bulk SMSes and social media to aggravate the communal situation is a new challenge that the recent disturbances have thrown before us. We need to fully understand how these new media are used by miscreants,”

It is high time that we did something about these threats. We need to evaluate the nature of the threats, and devise robust defences against them such that the Constitutional mandates are upheld, and the Indian citizen’s rights are protected in virtual space as elsewhere. To this effect the National Cyber Safety & Security Standards initiative under the auspices of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India, has organised the NC4S – 2013 Summit to be held in Chennai next month.

We at K7Computing are extremely proud and privileged to contribute as the Cyber Defence Partner to this august symposium on national cyber security. We shall endeavour to fulfil our bounden duty of helping to safeguard the nation.

Samir Mody
Senior Manager, K7TCL

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