Advisory Ransomware Security Security Advisory – ESXiArgs targeting ESXi servers ESXiArgs Ransomware targeting exposed ESXi servers has been making headlines since the start of Feb 2023. VMWare has also requested […] K7 Labs February 9, 2023
Android Banking Malware Play Store App Serves Coper Via GitHub We at K7 Labs recently came across this twitter post about Coper, a banking Trojan. The main infection vector of […] Baran S February 8, 2023
Ransomware Ransomed by Warlock Dark Army “OFFICIALS” Recently we came across a tweet shared by petikvx. The tweet was on a ransomware family that had the group […] K7 Labs February 2, 2023
Malicious DLLs Ransomware Phobos Ransomware found to be using DLL Side Loading In one of our recent IR case, we found Phobos ransomware being executed using DLL sideloading technique. The threat actors […] K7 Labs February 1, 2023
Fake Applications Stealer Trojan Information Stealers going Incognito on Google Ads It is not new for threat actors to abuse online advertising networks for their malvertising campaigns. But recently, we have […] K7 Labs January 23, 2023
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