Ransomware Stealer Trojan Say NO to Nopyfy! In the last week of July, we detected a ransomware named Nopyfy in our customer end. In August 2021, Nopyfy […] K7 Labs August 5, 2022
Credential Stealer Stealer Trojan Credential Stealer RedLine Reemerges We at K7 Labs noticed that there were several RedLine Stealers resurfacing. Hence, we decided to analyze one such sample […] K7 Labs July 27, 2022
Password Stealer Stealer Trojan Raccoon back with new claws! Raccoon infostealer was first released in April 2019, the initial Version1(V1) was distributed in telegram groups and other forums as […] K7 Labs July 18, 2022
Ransomware Stealer Trojan STOP/DJVU Employs Vidar Stealer Before Encrypting Files STOP/DJVU ransomware was first seen in the last quarter of 2018. Since then we have seen various forms of this […] K7 Labs July 15, 2022
Security Beware of Root Certs in VPN After the recent pandemic, Remote and Hybrid jobs have become the new working model. This has forced organizations to provide […] Harihara Sudhan July 8, 2022
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